Sunday, February 28, 2010


The perfect balance of shapes and textures for optimal sound absorption and deflection contribute to an incomparable quality of auditory life. Also a great excuse if anyone tells you that you only hear what you want to.

Save for the bling, muted colors in found patterns and tassles arrive with loud shapes for the best balance of bold and breathtaking. Both sides of the acrylic coated magazine print on recycled pabst carton shapes are collaged with matching patterns, hand-punched and peiced with fool's gold jumprings and grey-green t-shirt fabric cut along the rib. Each set comes with backstoppers!

BELABOR YOURSELVES? rather than purchasing a pair for $10.00, give it a shot:

1. Trace out rectangles larger than your shape in a transparency and use it for a tracing tool
2. Collect 4 themed images and two cardboard shapes per set of earrings, with your rectangle transparency
3. Using a spray booth and the pages of newsprint, 3m super 77 sprayglue images to both sides in rounds
4. Create your actual shape from another transparency,
5. Cut around your images on a self-healing matte board
6. Back at the spray booth: String them up with wire or string and spray with acrylic coating for water resistancy.
6. Use an all purpose punch, such that punches through leather to create the holes
8. Add jumprings and tassles!

Available at Madam Chino's LOOK NOOK! and soon on etsy... at which time i will post the link here!

xoxox, madamchino!

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