The visual texture is unbelievable:

So many kinds, its necessary to create a nomenclature for them:


pagodas, circles and frogs *Unpictured: knobs, trapezoids, pentagrams

a few uniques:

Using illustration board to organize and move the matched sets:

We filled the entire corner of my studio with flats of the paired keys, talk about KEYBOARDS!:

Attaching earring hooks took more than a few hours for so many pairs:

And packaging takes a little forethought, however with the help of a paper-cutter, stapler, holepunch, photocopied templates, and a few 2"x3" ziplock bags from ULINE...PRESTO!

Available for $5.00 a pair at MADAM CHINO'S LOOK NOOK but now you can make your own!
Check out these links to other artists using keys:
-Strictly key fashions by Key Into Fashion
-Keys as Charm holders from BCreationsGlass
-Decorated antique skeleton key necklaces from:
Romantiquarian Design
-Vintage Key Magnets by BUiLDiNGCHARACTER
-Hand-stamped color-enameled key charms by JoannGirls
Madam Chino