With a detachable collar! (simply cut the collar off an old shirt that you don't like... astoundingly, the button and hole placements are opposite that they almost always fit together!) to make a nice haltar! of course, wear a cardigan over it, or a favorite tiny t-shirt or cami under for extra layers.
Add a tank/cami on top and tuck it under to the height of your preferred waistline for a sleeker, dressy silhouette
or wear it with suspenders and hike it up... somewhere in between the long skirt and a short dress...add a new vision to your old saggy waistlines
Alas, finally, this is an indian skirtress, what a flowy symphony! I simply slit 3/4of the waist just below the band, and then regathered and topstiched it for a bit of form, and slung it for a haltar. the drawstring still works, so you can control the width of the haltar measure. The only trick for this is that to get a straight bottom hem, you have to cut it at a slant (because now it's hanging like a hoist), so lay it out on the ground, or have someone cut it for you while you're wearing it.